Cancer - Know, Prevent, Detect, Treat, Fight, Defeat and Live a normal life.


All over the world, millions of people

are suffering from cancer.

Death rate is also very high.

Treatment is also expensive.

Therefore, it is imperative to know

about cancer, its awareness,

preventive measures, diagnosis, treatment, diet, risk factors, social support etc.

Our aim is to spread awareness

among the common people for a healthy, wealthy and happy life.

In this blog, we will try to

understand the basic things about cancer.

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a lump  in any part of the body.

It is developed as a disease when

changes in some normal cell of the body takes place abnormally and its uncontrolled growth makes a lump.

However in case of blood cancer

(Leukemia), the lump is not seen.

The lump is also called a tumor.

Cancerous tumors may affect the

surrounding tissues and other parts of the body.

It may affect the functioning of multi organs of the body.

A person may have more than one

type of cancer at a time.

Every tumor may not be  cancerous as described below:

Every tumor may not be cancerous

as described below:


It is mostly a non cancerous tumor.

Its growth is slow.

It does not affect other body parts, if size is not large.

If size is large, it may compress the functioning of adjacent body parts like brain tumors.


May be cancerous.

They grow faster than Benign tumors.

It may destroy healthy tissues of other body parts after splitting and spreading.

May continue to split, and grow in a new body part.

Precancerous (Premalignant):

Already having abnormal cells.

Likely to develop cancer.


Reasons behind the Cancer:

There may be so many reasons

behind the cancer.

Some are unavoidable and some are

avoidable reasons.

We cannot do anything for

unavoidable reasons, however,

we can minimize the risk of

cancer by keeping away the

avoidable reasons.

It is elaborated below:

Unmodifiable (unavoidable) reasons:

Aging factor: more age, more prone to cancer.

Genetics: Some people are prone to cancer by birth.

Immunity: weak immunity increases the risk of cancer.

HIV or Aids patients.

Some medicines for successful transplant may increase the risk of cancer.

Modifiable (avoidable)  reasons:

Sedentary Lifestyle.

Unhealthy diet.

Lack of knowledge.

Government policies.

Poor financial capabilities

Market propaganda to sell unhealthy food.

Obesity, Smoking, tobacco,  Alcoholic drinks, drug abuse.

Delay in preventive measures, diagnosis, treatment.

Harmful radiation and infection.

Exposure to harmful substances.

As mentioned above, by avoiding

or minimizing the modifiable

reasons, we can do a lot to avert

the spread of cancer.

Some of the modifiable reasons

are described here:


Alcoholic drinks are injurious

to health and scientific

evidence is available to this

effect that  it may cause

different types of cancers like:

Bowel cancer

Breast cancer

Mouth cancer

Throat cancer

Liver cancer

Stomach cancer


Obesity may  be the cause of different

diseases in the body.

It may increase the risk of various

types of cancers like bowel cancer

or pancreatic cancer.

Unhealthy diet:

It is observed that the high content

of animal products

(fat, red/processed meat, etc.)

and low content of fruits

& vegetables in daily diet may increase

the risk of stomach cancer etc.

Smoking & Tobacco:

Smoking or use of tobacco in any

form is injurious to health.

It contains various types of

cancerous contents.

It is responsible for increasing

the cancer risk of mouth,

lung, voice box, pancreas,

bladder, kidney, cervix etc.

It may badly affect other body

parts also.

It is learnt that roughly more

than 20% cancer patients are

dying due to the use of tobacco/smoking.

Harmful radiation:

High energy and high-frequency

radiation is also one of the

reasons to develop cancer.

Harmful radiation may come

to you in any form like

excessive exposure of

X Rays, Gamma rays,

radon gas etc.

Excessive exposure to

Ultraviolet rays from the

sun also increases the risk

of skin cancer.

White skin with moles may

further increase the risk

of skin cancer.

Exposure to harmful substances:

People exposed to harmful substances

are prone to develop cancer.

Harmful substances may be Asbestos,

chemical dye, etc.

Asbestos may cause lung disease and bladder cancer.

Chemical dyes may increase

the risk of cancer around lungs.

Exposure to harmful infections:

(Virus and Bacteria)

Infections due to various harmful

viruses and bacteria may be

responsible for increasing the

risk of different types of cancer.

It is one of the reasons for

cervical cancer, liver cancer,

stomach cancer, etc.  

Different types of cancers:

Cancer may affect any part of

the body, accordingly, various

types of cancers have been

detected so far.

Some names are mentioned below:



Blood cancer

Nervous system cancer

Mouth cancer

Throat cancer

Bladder cancer

Oral cancer

Vulva cancer

Cervix cancer

Ovarian cancer

Digestive and upper respiratory

tracts cancer

Colorectal cancer

Small intestine cancer

Anus anal canal cancer

Genital system cancer

Testicular cancer

Bowel cancer

Spinal cord cancer

Liver cancer

Cervical cancer

Uterus cancer

Vagina cancer

Endometrial cancer

Head and neck


Pancreatic cancer

Tongue cancer

Eye and orbit cancer

Soft tissue & heart cancer

Urinary system



This is not an exhaustive list.

Other types of

Cancer  also exists.

Symptoms and signs of cancer:

There are so many symptoms and

signs of different types of cancer.

Symptoms and signs vary from

one type of cancer to another

and also vary at one stage

or other of the same cancer.

Sometimes, similar symptoms

or signs may be due to

non-cancerous problems.

Therefore, Diagnosis and

detections will be done by

the concerned specialist or

doctors only.


Here we are going to write

some symptoms and signs

which may be due to

cancerous and

non cancerous problems.

If we are feeling the

similar symptoms, it is

better to consult the

specialists, medical doctor,

an expert or healthcare

provider for screening

tests, diagnosis etc.

Example of Symptoms:

Unusual painless lump or  swelling which increases over time.

Change in bowel habit, constipation, diarrhea, blood in the stool.

All of sudden, unexpected weight loss within a few months.

Unknown pain.

Pain and abnormal signs (frequency, volume, flow etc.) of urination.

Unexplained Loss in appetite.

Unknown, continuous and painful heartburn or indigestion.


A lump, pain, ache in scrotum.

Coughing, breathing and swallowing problems.

Unexpected bleeding from vagina,

unexpected bleeding during coughing

unexpected bleeding during urination.

Fatigue with other symptoms.

New mole or  unexplained rash on

skin, change in skin color

or changes in shape, size,color,

and other conditions of the old mole. 


Pain and change in size, shape, feel, skin of breast.

Problem in healing of wound, ulcer, sore, including mouth ulcer.

Unknown heavy sweets during the night.


Bloating and belly pain.

Prevention of cancer:

The risk of some types of cancer can be reduced or minimized

by adopting a healthy lifestyle, awareness, vaccination,

screening tests, timely diagnosis, treatment,

firm determination to fight, social, emotional, moral and

financial support from family members, friends, office,

organizations, government etc.

Some of the preventive measures are described below:

Physical exercise:

To burn out the calories, regular

physical exercise (walking,

running, Gym, swimming,

games, sports etc.)is necessary.

Each  exercise may not be equally

suitable to everyone,

Consultation with a specialist

is needed.

By physical exercise,

Body Mass Index (BMI) will

remain in control.

In addition it  will reduce the

risk of colon cancer, breast

cancer, uterus cancer etc.

Reduce or stop the use of tobacco and alcohol:

Study suggests that excessive use of alcohol increases the risk of certain types of cancer like breast, colon, lungs,

kidney etc.

Some contradictory study suggests that use of alcohol in very limited amounts may  lower the risk of certain types

of cancer in a specific age group and specific gender.

To avoid any confusion, It is better to consult a medical expert, to stop or to reduce the use of alcohol.

Healthy diet: 

It is learnt that plant based food (fruits, vegetables, whole grains,

beans, nuts, legumes, etc.)  may lower the risk of cancer. 


Our diet should be low in animal based products

(red meat, processed meat, animal fat etc.).

Diet Low in sodium, calories, refined

sugar etc. tends to reduce the chances

of cancer.

Olive oil over butter and fish over

red meat/processed meat may be

better options.

Some specific diets may be more

beneficial. For example:

Fatty fish, spices, berries, broccoli,

carrots, beans, cinnamon, nuts,

olive oil, turmeric, citrus fruits,

flaxseed, tomatoes, garlic, etc.


Moreover, use of Multivitamin

supplement containing Folate

(Vitamin B9), vitamin D etc.

may lower the risk of certain

types of cancer.

However consultation with a

dietician and a medical expert

is needed to fix the diet and

multivitamin supplements.

Other Preventive measures:

Reduce the exposure to harmful radiation.

Reduce the exposure to harmful

chemicals & substances.

Reduce  exposure to different types of  pollution.

Use of some illegal drugs increases the chances of cancer.

Avoid them.

Reduce the exposure to harmful infection:

In poor countries, roughly 20%

cases of cancer are detected 

due to harmful infection.

In the US, it is much less.

Some example of harmful infection

(virus or bacteria) are given below:

Hepatitis B & C, HIV, HPV,

Helicobacter pylori, etc.

HPV is a sexually transmitted virus.

Don't share the needles of injection/syringe.

Adopt safe sex.

Sun protection:

Chances of skin cancer may be

reduced or prevented by

adopting the suitable norms like:

Excessive ultraviolet (UV)  rays

from the Sun may increase

the risk of skin cancer etc.

Avoid exposure to midday

sunlight when the rays

are strong.

Avoid using a tanning bed

or sunlamps.

During exposure to the sun,

use good quality sunscreen

lotion with SPF more than

30%, a suitable hat ,

sunglasses, full sleeve shirt

and full trousers.


Take vaccinations and screening tests

against infection etc. after

consultation with  a medical expert

or healthcare provider.


In some cancers, symptoms may

appear at a later stage.

Therefore, it is supposed to

have regular screening tests

without any symptoms

under the guidance of an

expert or healthcare provider.


Most of the cancer can be prevented

or curable at the beginning stage.

Early detection of cancer is

helpful in treating at initial

stage with minimum side

effects and less expenditure

and more probability of

defeating it.

In case of doubt of having

cancerous signs or for

preventive measures, it is

needed to consult an

expert for a screening

test etc.

Some examples of screening

tests are given below:

PAP Smear - Cervical cancer in women.

HPV- Cervical cancer in women.

Mammography - Breast cancer.

Low dose CT - Lungs.

For colon (intestine) cancer:

Colonoscopy, Flexible Sigmoidoscopy,

CT colonography,

Fecal Occult Blood Test (gFOBT),

Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT)

Prostate Cancer (Men):

Prostate Specific Antigen Test (PSA).

Ovarian cancer etc.

Blood test - Cancer Antigen 125 (CA-125)

Pancreas cancer etc.

Blood test-

CA 19.9 (Carbohydrate antigen -19.9).

Cancer antigen - GI.

Spread of Breast cancer etc.

Blood test -  CA-15.3

Simple Blood test for multiple cancers:

With the help of simple blood test

screening of the following cancers may be done:

Adenocarcinoma (AD), Anorectum,

Bile duct, Bladder, Bone, Breast,

Cervix, Colon, Esophagus,

Gallbladder, Gastrointestinal

Stromal Tumors (GIST),

Head, Hepatocellular  Carcinoma,

Liver, Lung, Neck, Ovary,

Pancreas, Penis, Prostate,

Kidney, Rectum, Renal Pelvis,

Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC),

Sarcomas, Salivary Gland,

Small Intestine, Soft tissue,

Squamous cell carcinoma

(SCC), Stomach, Thyroid,

Transitional Cell Carcinoma

(TCC), Urachal Carcinoma

(URC), Ureter, Uterus,

Vagina, Vulva etc.

Biopsies and other tests:

As decided by a medical expert.

Stages of Cancer:

Medical science has divided the

stages of cancer for the better

treatment of the patient.

In medical terms,  it is called TNM.

For a common people, roughly we

can divide the stages like the


First stage of the cancer describes

the size of the Primary (main)

tumor. It is called T.

Second stage of the cancer

describes the condition of the

primary tumor whether

it has spread to the nearby nodes.

This stage is called N.

Third stage of the cancer

described the condition

of the primary tumor whether

it has been spread to other

parts of the body.

It is called M.


The suitable treatment of the cancer is

decided by the medical expert and

concerned team after taking into

account the patient's condition

and other factors.

Some common names of treatment

are given below:


If the cancer is not spread in other parts of the body, Medical experts can remove the required cancerous part of the body.


Certain chemicals are used to destroy the cancerous cells.


Medical experts use high energy rays to treat the cancer.

Hormone Therapy

Specific Hormones Production in the body is changed to stop the growth, or to destroy the cancer cells.


Immune system of the body is used to treat cancer.

Gene Therapy

It is used to replace the damaged genes by suitable ones to treat the cancer.

Bone marrow transplant

Autologous  or Allogeneic


Note: These are some examples. Other modes of treatment may also be given by the expert.      

Fight and Defeat:  

In addition to treatment, cancer

patients need External and

Internal support, Palliative care

etc. to fight and defeat the

cancer as illustrated below:

External and Internal Support:

Cancer patients need psychological, economic, physical, mental, social, emotional support.

It may be given by the hospital team, family, friends, relatives, social groups, office, organizations, government, self will power, disciplined life, healthy diet, physical exercise etc.

Palliative care:

Various side effects (fatigue, anemia, nausea, vomiting, pain, chemotherapy brain fog, fever, headache, cough, weight loss, breathing problem, blood in pee or poop, sores on lips or mouth, etc.) may be developed due to cancer treatment.

Palliative care is given to subsidize the side effects of cancer treatment.

It improves the quality of life of the cancer patient.

Normal Life with cancer: 

Most of the cancers are curable if

detected, diagnosed and treated at

an early stage.

By adopting the required norms,

we can live the normal life with


Mediation and yoga can reduce

the stress level and cancer

patients will feel relaxed

[physically and mentally].

Get sound sleep.    

Avoid screen time before going to bed.

Reduce the intake of stimulants like alcohol, caffeine etc.

Do physical activity regularly.

Take a healthy diet.

Reduce or stop the use  of tobacco and smoking.

Get screening tests and treatment timely.

Follow the guidelines of medical specialists or healthcare providers. Outcome of the treatment depends upon the stage and type of the cancer,

treatment, etc.

Palliative care, Social, family, economical, mental, Psychological,  emotional support,

will power, firm determination to fight, positive attitude will help to live a normal life.

Social support makes the quality of life better, and cancer patients live longer with social support.

So cancer patients should join the

social group and ask for support .

Advance research is going on to find out the better prevention and treatment of cancer.

We may expect more advanced ways of prevention and treatment  in future and it will help to lead a normal life for cancer patients.

World Cancer Day: 

World cancer day is celebrated on 04 February 2024.     

The main focus of World Cancer Day is to spread awareness worldwide.

It was organized with a slogan to close the care gap and the call to unite our voices and take action.

Cancer fact sheet of India:

Increasing cases of cancer patients in India is a big challenge for the Government.

In 2022, roughly 98000 women died due to breast cancer.

As per data of 2022:

Around 1% of people in India expect to visit a hospital for cancer screening tests or treatment during their life.

Lung's cancer and breast cancer are prominent in male and females respectively.

During the span of 05 years (2020-2025), cancer cases are expected to increase by roughly 13%.

Highest burden in north and northeast region of India.

It is the second leading cause of death.

Death due to non-infectious diseases, 18% died from cancer.

It is needed to take all necessary steps including awareness to lowering the risk of cancer.

Childhood cancer is on the rise in India. It is needed to enhance the treating facilities.

Use of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning for better cancer treatment has been started in India.

Roughly little less than 1500,000 cancer cases are estimated in 2023, an increase of around 35000 cases compared to 2022.

Cancer fact sheet around the world:

It is the second leading cause of death worldwide, including the US.

Roughly 10 million people die globally every year from cancer.

Roughly one third death of cancer patients may be prevented by removing modifiable reasons like smoking, drug abuse, lethargic lifestyle, alcoholic drink, malnutrition etc.

Roughly one third of deaths of cancer patients may be prevented by regular and preventive screening tests, early diagnosis, proper treatment, all around support and firm determination to fight the cancer, etc.

Roughly two-third of cancer patient deaths occur in poor countries.

Smoking or tobacco causes roughly 5 million deaths in a year worldwide.

Globally it is increasing pressure on Government, Hospitals, concerned institutions, patients, family members etc. by way of quality treatment, expenditure, social, emotional, psychological, physical, economical support etc.

In the US, roughly 30% of total cancer patients are caused due to smoking, and roughly 90% lung cancer causes due to smoking.

In the US, roughly 20,00,000 new cases of cancer are expected to register in 2024 and more than 6,00,000 deaths related to cancer are expected in the same year (2024). Out of 6,00,000, deaths due to lungs, colorectum and pancreas cancers are ranking highest.

In the US, the second most common cause of death in children is cancer. In 2024, more than 9,000 children and more than 5,000 adolescents are expected to become the victim of childhood cancer. Leukemia is the most common blood cancer in children.

In the US, more than 85% of cancer patients are older than 50 years.

Roughly more than 15% of adults smoke in the US. 

The US has developed a new type of blood test called Novelna. This Single blood test can identify 18 early-stage cancers. It analyzes the blood protein of the cancer patient. It is very cheap, and accuracy is more than 80% to detect the first stage cancer. It is a good hope for researchers to move further.

The US has developed AI based low dose CT scan for lung cancer. It can predict lung cancer 5-6 years before its initial stage

New cancer treatment injection in England takes only 7 minutes to administer compared to the old method which takes around an hour to administer intravenously.

Synthetic biopsy has been envisaged to predict early-stage cancer in a better way.

In England, a drug which is being used for the treatment of breast cancer, is now being used as preventive measures also. It is good news.

Final words

Reasons for cancer may be modifiable or nonmodifiable. Presently, we have no help or little help for non-modifiable reasons.

However, to stop or reduce the modifiable reasons, is in our hands and it may prevent various types of cancer.

Moreover, regular and preventive screening tests, timely diagnosis, better treatment, healthy diet and lifestyle, firm determination to fight, high morale etc. may reduce the cancer related death.

Governments and concerned institutions should continue to focus on advanced research, better facilities of treatment, better health insurance policies, and all-around support to patients.



The best efforts are made to provide the basic aspects of cancer after studying the following or similar websites. However, I do not take any guarantee (legal or otherwise) for its correctness or completeness.

The blog is manually typed, it is not AI generated, therefore, any typographical errors are regretted.

Before following anything from this blog, it is strongly requested to consult the specialist, doctor, dietician or related professional etc.

The end of this blog here, but not the

end of hope to completely stop the


We will prevent, treat, fight, defeat

and live a healthy life.

The end.


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