What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Its applications, advantages, disadvantages and challenges. (2024)

History and definitions of Artificial intelligence:

In the 1950s, scientist, and researchers came up with the idea to create machines which can think, learn and solve problems like humans.

Alan Turing, a British scientist was one of them.

Scientists and researchers started to create a machine which can play chess, solve mathematical problems and understand the natural language.

Over the years, by 2000, scientists developed various techniques and technologies for AI systems like Machine learning, Deep learning, Natural language processing, Big data, etc.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems  use algorithms and a large amount of data to recognize patterns, make decisions.

It is a continuous process  to improve the performance of the system.

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think, understand, learn and act  like humans or faster than humans.

Various technologies like Machine learning, Natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics help AI systems perform complex tasks of  speech recognition, face detection with high levels of accuracy.

AI systems were designed to mimic the reasoning, problem solving and decision making process of human experts.

AI enables the machine to learn from data to recognize the pattern in it to perform the task efficiently and effectively. 

AI is the field of computer science related to machines which are programmed to work like the human brain.

AI powered systems are capable of thinking, solving problems, and learning from the past by analyzing a large amount of data.

AI is a branch of computer science.


Further AI also has several branches to deal with different things  like, to perform simple tasks , complex tasks, to correct its own algorithms, to do specialized logarithms and some tasks which human intelligence can not do.

Concept of AI

Some fundamental concepts which enable machine to perform human intelligence related tasks are listed below:

Machine Learning (ML)

Neural networks

Deep Learning

Natural Language Processing (NLP)


Cognitive Computing

Expert systems

Classification of AI

AI can be classified in the following category:

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI):

This system is designed to perform within a limited range of tasks. System has constraints, limitations and predefined conditions.

Unable to perform the task beyond the programmed capabilities of the system.

It is also called Weak AI.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI):

It is capable of solving problems and performing tasks in a vast variety of fields by applying intelligence which has been recognized from understanding and learning from input data.

It is a true intelligence which is depicted in various TV shows, fictions etc.

Theoretically, it is a computer system which will achieve or exceed human intelligence.

Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI):

It is capable of solving extraordinary problems which a human mind can not solve.

It goes beyond mimics of human intelligence.

ASI powered systems are smarter than humans.

AI can also be classified in a different manner like below:

Reactive machines:

They do not have previous knowledge of events (history).

Such machines react to the input given only.

They are not capable of performing advanced tasks beyond their limited capacity.

Limited memory machines:

They have limited memory of past events.

Self driven cars use such types of systems.

Theory of mind machines:

It is an early form of  AGI.

It has the understanding of the various entities that exist in the world. However, it is still to be materialized.

Self aware machines:

It is the most advanced type of AI which has the knowledge of the world, itself and others.

Presently, it is only conceptual.

Working Principle of AI

Working of AI can be explained in 05 steps as given below:


Data is collected from various sources and bifurcated into different categories.


AI analyzes and decipher the data on the basis of patterns which were programmed in it to recognize, until the same pattern in the data. 


With the help of recognized patterns, Outcomes are predicted by the AI.


If the data sets are considered a “fail,” AI learns from that mistake, and the process is repeated again under different conditions.


With these procedures, AI is constantly/ continuously learning and improving.

AI Apps:

AI Apps are improving the user experience in various fields.

Some of the AI Apps are listed below: 


It gives the answer to the queries posted on it by generating texts with the help of LLM (Large Language Models).

Open AI developed the ChatGPT as an advanced language model.

It is generating human-like responses,  replying to the customer queries round the clock.

It is doing a wonderful job for content creations, customer support and interactive conversations.

Google Gemini:

It is delivering high value customized search results and recommendations.

It enhances the customer experience for search and browsing.

Amazon Alexa:

It is a voice assistant to control smart home devices.

It is capable of delivering the answers for various queries by voice command.

Elsa speak:

It uses advanced speech recognition technology to improve the English pronunciation and fluency.

It provides instant feedback and customized  lessons to improve language skill.

Google Maps:

It is a most popular AI powered app which is used for navigation, real time prediction of traffic, enroute places, landmarks, accurate travel time, distance, etc.

It is widely used by travelers and commuters.


It is the most popular and favorite AI app for social media users.

It is famous for generating visual contents by AI powered image processing and photo editing  tools.

Starry AI:

This AI powered app is capable of generating unique, personalized and appealing artwork.

Users remain engaged due to this innovative idea.

Uses/applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI):

AI is used in each and every field of the world for automation, personalized recommendations, enhancing communication, making better decisions, etc.

Some sectors are listed below:


AI is used for customized treatment plans, better patient care, diagnosis, etc.

By collecting and analyzing the data from patient history and diseases, early prediction of coming diseases and early prevention is possible.

For contagious diseases, AI can predict the time, area and gravity of the diseases likely to be spread.   

AI is used to analyze the Xray's and MRI images with high accuracy to detect various diseases like skin cancer etc.

Drugs prediction: AI is capable to predict the application of drugs and possible warning for reaction with other drugs.

Various companies like IBM Watson Health are using AI in the healthcare domain.


AI helps to analyze the credit history of a borrower. On the basis of credit score, the bank decides the approval and interest rate of the loan.

AI enabled tools are also helping in risk management, fraud detection,  customer support and in the growth of the business.

Robo advisers like Betterment use AI for all around growth of business, customer base and satisfaction.  


With the help of AI, Online shopping and E-commerce platforms analyze our past purchases and browsing history of online shopping platforms like www.amazon.com.

Accordingly, retail companies project and suggest future purchases.

In addition, AI driven chatbots provide customer support, answer queries. It increases sales and customer satisfaction.


AI is used to detect  even very minor manufacturing defects  which humans can not detect.

Also used for  repetitive works like assembling, painting, etc. it increases production.

Automobiles, Travel, Transportation and auto navigation:

AI is improving traffic management, route planning, traffic flow, traffic delays,  optimization of schedules and real time information to the travelers.

AI powered airlines system is providing the flight delay, ETA (Expected Time of Arrival) real time updates and other information to the travelers.  They are using autopilot for gathering data for weather conditions and for further predictions. It is making the journey safer, efficient, reliable and comfortable.

AI is playing a very important role in the automobile industry. It is providing advancement in automation of vehicles, predictive maintenance, in-car personal assistants, etc.

You may have heard from Sci-Fi shows or news that AI is used to develop self driven cars/vehicles which can move on the road without human input. 

Wymo and Tesla (auto pilot) companies are developing self driven car technologies.

AI powered applications provide the real time data for road traffic, traffic jams, accidents, distances, lane keeping, adaptive cruise control, parking, alternate routes, time taken, toll plaza, weather, public conveniences, petrol pumps, restaurants, fastest routes, demography, etc.

Direction and rideshare apps like Google Map, Apple maps, Waze, cab aggregators (OLA, Uber, etc.) are using the AI tools for  the prediction of traffic, enroute places, fare rates, distances, accidents, road conditions and other relevant information.

Customer service:

Chatbots powered with AI are used for customer support and giving answers to the queries.

Various website portals  are using this service.


AI is used for showing advertisements which are interesting for the watchers.

It analyzes data for  customer behavior, identification of trends, automation in content delivery, etc.

Email marketing platforms like Mailchimp uses AI to identify the customer interaction and it enhances the email campaign for better engagement, etc. 


AI is used to customize tutorials as per the needs of the  individual students. AI is also used to give personalized instructions and feedback to the students.

Platforms like Simplilearn use AI  algorithms to recommend courses, provide customized feedback to individuals, enhance learning experience and outcome. 


AI is used for various lifestyle applications like personal (virtual) assistants (Siri and Alexa) and smart home devices.

Example - AI powered Smart thermostats like NEST automatically adjust the setting of the appliances based on past temperature performances and other patterns.


Robots are handling repetitive and dangerous work. It is good  for productivity and safety. 

Some of the industrial robots are listed below:

Robots in aerospace:

Nasa has sent the following robots into aerospace:

Mars rovers NASA


AI powered robots  are exploring, gathering and transmitting the data back to earth to search for ancient life, etc.

Such types of work can not be performed by humans or human intelligence.

Robots in manufacturing industry:

They are performing repetitive tasks, assembling and transporting hazardous material like dye casting. They are providing faster production and safety to humans also.

For example - General motors was using the robots for a long time for welding and transporting the harmful dye casting material.

Robots in hospitality:

Robots have been introduced in hospitality management to do the various work like given below:

Simple tasks like maintenance of staff shortage.


Mix drinking in cafes, bar and restaurants.

Delivery of meals on the tables.

In home automation, various devices like robot vacuum cleaners are taking the place of traditional ones.

NLP (Natural Language Processing):

It is an AI application for the integration/interaction between humans and computers. It is used for translation, sentimental analysis, Voice activated assistants, etc.

Grammarly uses AI to detect grammatical mistakes, clarity and style suggestions for the improvement of the writing skills.

Computer Vision:

AI is used to process and interpret visual information from all over the world.

Computer vision helps computers to recognize the various activities in images and videos.

It is used in self driver cars to detect and act for obstacles, traffic signals, pedestrians, etc.

Image, speech and Facial recognition technique:

It uses AI to verify the individuals at access control, personal device authentication, etc.

It is a customer friendly authentication method for security, safety, and other purposes.

Apple phones use this technology to unlock phones and make online payments.

HR (Human Resource) and recruitments:

AI is used to analyze the record of staff, streamline the recruitment process. Automation of the hiring process (screening of applications, interview program, profile matching with job advertised, candidate assessment, and best selection) works faster, better, unbiased and more accurately.

Various companies like IBM are using the AI powered hiring process for getting most suitable candidates in accurate, faster and cost saving ways.


AI applications are very much helpful to optimize agricultural production.

Weather conditions, Soil and crop health are monitored by AI enabled drones and sensors and provide valuable inputs to farmers for better yield.

AI enabled Precision agriculture platforms to analyze data from sensors and drones to provide important information regarding irrigation, fertilizations,  and pesticide needs for better production.


AI is playing an important role in the gaming industry. It is generating intelligent behavior in Non Player Characters (NPCs), realistic experiences, challenging games, etc.

Very good examples of NPCs can be seen in games like The Last of US Part -II.  

Social media platforms:

AI applications analyze user behavior, to recommend relevant ads, posts, curates personalized content feeds, detect fake news, enhance user engagement.

Some of the media platforms store the users data and it is used for related advertisements.

Some of the popular AI powered social media platforms are listed below:

Facebook (Meta)

Instagram (Meta)




NLP is used for chatbot applications.

AI is playing a very important role in chatbots.

They are providing instant customer support, answering the queries round the clock.

Chatbots are capable of solving simple to complex problems.

Various e-commerce platforms are using chatbots services for support, order and other purposes. It enhances the business as well as customer satisfaction.


AI is providing the help to identify new celestial bodies, phenomena, automation for detection, etc. by analyzing a large amount of data from satellites and telescopes.

AI is helping NASA to analyze data from the Kepler space telescope to discover the objects, etc.

Cyber threat detection, prevention and data Security:

AI is doing a good job for the detection of cyber attacks and data security by identifying suspicious activities and automatically to stop it.

Generative AI:

It is the most important use of AI. It uses machine learning models to generate new content like text, images, music, video, etc. for rapid growth in various fields like art, entertainment , design etc.

Open AI’s GPT-3 is capable of providing human-like text for automated content creation, chatbots, virtual assistant, etc.

Machine learning:

It is part of the AI. Machine learning trains algorithms to learn from data and predict the decision.

It is used in Netflix to analyze the browsing history and viewing trends and recommend to search engines to serve  customized movies, shows and ads as per the customer habits and for better streaming experience.


AI enabled tools generate realistic audio and video effects as per viewers choice and trends to engage the public continuously.

AI powered Spotify creates the music as per browsing history of the listener. It engaged the audience and provided the options to select the artists as per the choice.


Computer vision is used in self driven cars.

Google Translate:

Deep learning algorithms are used to translate the texts from one language to another.

Digital assistants:

They are used in various devices of our use like smartphones, laptops, desktop computers, etc.

Some of the  popular digital assistants are listed below:

Siri (Apple)

Alexa (Amazon)

Cortana (Microsoft)

Bixby (Samsung)

Google Assistant (Google)

Search engines:

AI is used in search engines for better user experience.

Example: When you start typing something on a search engine, a set of your expected words and queries will be shown by the search engine with the help of AI. 

Again, AI will show you the similar questions/queries  (people also ask) related to your search.

When you type in a search bar, AI will try to complete the words and queries for you.

All the above and similar features are provided by the AI on the basis of data gathered from browsing history and trends.

Some of the popular search engines using AI are listed below:





Text editing and auto correction:

Such types of AI tools are available in our smartphones.  They edit and correct our texts with common knowledge and also they learn from our trends and behavior  of using texts. 

Various online editors like Grammarly, Hemingway are available. They do much more work like suggestion and editing for style, Tone, more appealing sentences/words, etc.

Fraud detection and prevention:

Most banks and financial institutions are using AI powered tools to detect and prevent fraud.

They gather a large amount of previous data and customer transaction trends.

If something is found suspicious, it will be informed to the customer and concerned office. These AI powered tools are capable of declining the transaction if it is sure to be suspected.


AI tools process the large amount of data with very fast speed and are capable of predicting the outcome within no time. It is very important when it is needed to take action immediately.

For example: movement of stock market indices, to avert train accidents, vehicle maintenance prediction on the basis of past actions, weather forecast, business activities, natural calamities, future outcomes, etc.


AI is doing a wonderful job in the advertising sector.

Some of the works done by AI are listed below:

Ad creation:

It is capable of generating a copy of ads or making images itself as per the trend of purchase, etc.

Dynamic presentation:

AI is capable of generating images and texts on the basis of personalized experience, demographics or location. 

Budget Optimization:

AI is capable of predicting the time, frequency, day for the best performing and cost effective Ads.

 It will save the budget incurred on Ads.


Data analysis and predictive analysis for business and other sectors is also an important use of AI. It is capable of predicting the outcome quicker and in the most accurate way to make timely decisions. 

Some of the uses are listed below:

Forecasting:  what is expected in future based on historical data.

Prediction:  Predict the future trend and result in the future just like in the stock market.


Real time data monitoring for business and other purposes.  

It is not an exhaustive list. AI tools are being used in thousands of  other sectors. 

Advantages, benefits, Pros of AI

Application of AI has brought several benefits in various fields.

It is already mentioned in the last table.

However,  some of advantages are listed again below: 

Improvement in production and efficiency:

Industries powered with AI are performing tasks with high speed and better accuracy than humans. Its application has  improved efficiency, cost saving,  and production.

Decision making capability:

AI can analyze a large amount of data, recognize the patterns and make informed decisions faster and better than humans.

Tailormade customized solution:

AI powered systems are capable of providing personalized, customized, tailormade solutions of problems, digital services and products as per the need of the individuals. 

Automation and Robotics:

Automation and robotics are capable of providing fine accuracy in repetitive work like assembling computers, vehicles, etc. 

It is saving humans hours to utilize for more important jobs.

It is reducing the cost, and errors both. It creates a better balance in work and life of employees.

Safety and risk management:

AI powered systems are managing safety and risk with a high accuracy and better than humans.

It is being utilized in flight, rail train, road traffic, self driven vehicles, automation, crime detection, medical diagnosis, various health hazards, cyber security fraud and attacks etc.

Scientific research:

Since AI can analyze a large amount of data in a faster and accurate way than humans, it will speed up the research and development in a better way in various fields like healthcare, natural calamities, etc. 

Improvement in human capability:

AI is an add on feature for the improvement of human capability.

It increases memory, decision making power, problem solving skills, etc. 


It is capable of generating new texts and images with high speed and accuracy. Sometimes, it may be better than human intelligence.

Elimination of human errors:

Human errors are possible here and there. AI makes decisions based on input data and calculation. AI outcomes are free from errors unlike humans.

24x7 availability with accuracy:

Continuous jobs by humans decreases the efficiency and increases the chances of making errors but AI is capable of providing the outcome round the clock without compromising the accuracy and speed.

Other advantages are similar to the uses of AI as mentioned  in the last table.

Disadvantages, dangers, challenges and limitations of AI:

AI is continuously improving human ability in various fields for better life.

However certain concerns, challenges and limitations exist as illustrated below:

Data quality and availability:

AI outcomes depend on the input data.

If input data in large amounts is not consistently available, or quality of input data is not authentic and accurate.

Outcome of AI will be wrong.

Bias data input:

If the input data is biased and unfair, the outcome of AI will be discriminatory and use of unfair output will be harmful to the user.


Use of deep wave models in AI makes the output complex and nontransparent (opaque). 

It is difficult to trust and adopt the output of AI, in sensitive fields like healthcare, finance, etc.

Privacy, security and cyber attack:

Most of the social media, e-commerce platforms, apps,  websites use the browsing history and other activity of the individual and it makes an input to AI. 

Personal data of users are stored and used for advertisement and recommendation of products, etc.

It increases cyber attack also.

It is a big challenge to the privacy and security of the individuals.

Computational limitations:

Some AI systems need a high level of power and resources. It may be a challenge to provide such high power and resources in an unfavorable situation.

Ethical challenges:

Ethical considerations like Impact on employment (job loss  due to automation, digital assistants, etc.), to understand social/economic inequalities, harmful use of powerful AI systems, accountability of AI driven decisions, etc. are the main concerns to be addressed.

Lethargy, dependency and lack of critical thinking in humans:

Slowly, people will be dependent on AI and it will make them lethargic. Our future generations will be more lethargic and may not work independently. In turn future generations  may be lacking critical thinking. 

Healthcare concerns:

Excessive trust on AI, will make the healthcare professional dependent on it. They may be habitual to avoid the use of personal skill and experience.

Educational concerns:

Too much dependency on AI, students may  not get the mentorship and emotional support of teachers.


Disparity in some sectors of social activities like education, health etc. may emerge because everyone is not capable of accessing AI powered tools and facilities.

High cost:

High cost is involved to utilize the AI tolls as explained below:

Cost of developing AI tools/models and robots.

Cost of the updates and maintenance of the AI equipment.

Huge salary to the AI experts.

Decision making risk:

In unpredictable situations, AI will not be helpful and we will be trapped due to dependency.

Minor mistakes in AI  may take the lives of several people in an accident.

Violation of law, rules and regulations:

Some apps and websites store and misuse the data of a person, institution, region or a nation against privacy,  law, rules and regulations.

We should keep aware of it for safety and security.

Future of AI (Artificial Intelligence):

Future of AI is bright with some considerations.

It will be used for better automation, personalized recommendations, user experiences, improved decision making, to solve complex problems, etc.

Many fields will show rapid growth due to the use of AI.

Some are  listed below:

AI future is directly proportional to Machine learning and Deep learning progress:

Due to rapid progress in deep learning and machine learning techniques, AI systems will be more powerful and enhance the accuracy and efficiency of national language processing, computer vision, CHATGPT, predictive analytics, etc.

Expansion of automation:

Use of AI in automation like self driven cars, drones, robotics, etc.is increasing rapidly. It will make the outcome more safer, accurate and effective in various fields of our life like work, travel, interactions with surroundings, etc.  

Rise of General AI:

Presently, AI systems are working mainly for narrow tasks, limited domains and specific purposes only.

Emergence of General AI, will think, guide and do things more efficiently, and rapidly than human intelligence. 

Integration with IoT (Internet of Things) and Edge Computing:

It will enable the deployment of AI powered applications and services at edge, more close to input data. It will make the  response time faster, improve privacy and reduce the reliance on cloud infrastructure.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Conversational AI:

Growth in NLP and conversational AI will minimize the gap between the human and machine.

It will help to create chatbots, virtual assistants and other natural interfaces which will respond to human languages in a more authentic and natural way.

Balance with inter wings collaborations, ethical and policy issues:

All the wings involved in the application of AI, like Computer science, Cognitive, neuroscience, etc. should have coordination with each other to address the challenging issues. 

Similarly, application of AI should have a proper balance with ethical issues and Government policies.

Experts of all three fields should sit together to have a clearcut and balanced vision for the applications of AI.

Know here something more about AI:

Gemini Artificial Intelligence:

Gemini AI is an advanced version of the AI platform. It is popular for providing good quality  business analytics.

Various companies rely on it for decision making strategy.

AI Image Generators:

AI image generators perform the following functions:

Create images from text data.

Enhance the quality of existing images.

The various AI tools like DALL-E, Stable Diffusion and Mid Journey produce the visual in a very innovative way.

Artificial Intelligence 3 (AI3):

It refers to the 3rd generation of technology in the advancement of AI.

In this generation, advancement is focused on neural networks, deep learning, human-like reasoning, etc.

Playground Artificial Intelligence:

Playground AI is for beginners who can explore, interact and learn with AI technologies.

It is used for education and creativity purposes.

Hill Climbing:

It is a simple optimization algorithm used in AI.

It provides the best solution from a set of possible solutions.

AI agents:

It is a program or system which understands the surroundings, take decision to achieve the target (s). It is self operated, not controlled by a human.

Integration of AI and block chain:

Combination of both technologies is improving the standard of various sectors like finance, healthcare, logistics, etc.

Gaming with AI:

AI plays very important roles in playing the games. Games do not require much knowledge. Some Rules , Conditions of winning and losing  are required to play the games. AI software does this job very well and acts as a one player also.

AI players have shown victory from  humans in some of games like Chess Go, StarCraft 2, and also on the  games show jeopardy.

AI tools have made the games more interesting by some changes on the basis of human trends. Some of the games using AI are listed below:

Minecraft: AI uses the player's style and creates endless situations.

F.E.A.R. : It uses the AI of the enemy and gives the player the chance to learn and adapt the movement and tactics of the enemy. 

The Last of Us: it uses dynamic AI for non player characters to react differently from player characters as per the particular options.

Is Artificial intelligence completely replacing or limiting human intelligence?

Answer is No.

It is true that industrial automation and other AI applications are replacing human intelligence for various jobs.

It does not mean that AI is replacing or limiting human intelligence.

There are various fields and jobs where AI is not successful to do jobs as good as human intelligence.

Therefore human intelligence will remain important and non replaceable for various extraordinary works.

What is the popular programming language for AI?

Python is the most popular programming language for developing AI models due to its simplicity and large usage.

Final words:

AI is working in the various fields of mankind. It is making fast, efficient and effective changes  for the betterment of the different sectors like finance, healthcare, ecommerce, space missions, agriculture, defense system, etc.

At the same time, we need to address some challenging issues which are coming against the advancement of AI. These issues like ethical concerns, unemployment, privacy, dependency, cyber attack,   financial fraud, government policies, etc. 

It should be considered and resolved with the rapid growth of a powerful AI system which thinks, predicts, and acts faster than humans.


The following and similar websites are studied a lot for this blog and  best efforts are made to provide you authentic and updated information on the subject. However the author does not take any guarantee (legally or otherwise) for its correctness or completeness. Any typographical error in this blog is hereby regretted.

Data in this blog was taken from the various sources during the preparation of the blog and presented in the summarized form. These data are subject to change continuously.


This blog is written for education and information purposes only.

In case of any doubt people may contact me or cross check from any reliable sources.








==The end==


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