(2024) Mental health issues, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention and treatment.


Most of the people are not aware of mental health issues. They are ignoring mental health problems. Most People are not visiting healthcare providers regarding the treatment of mental illness. Therefore it is very much needed to know what are mental health issues? What are the symptoms and what are the prevention and treatment?

In this blog, we will try to understand all these queries related to mental diseases. 

What are mental health issues:

Day-to-day routine problems, tension, worries, and stress are not so bad, after solving the task, you will feel better. But if the problem, tension, or anxiety persists for a longer period and does not go naturally, it means we are taking unnecessary stress, tension, worries, and thinking negatively beyond the requirement, in such a situation, mental health issues arise and you may be a victim of mental illness. 

Mental health may be defined or related to psychological and emotional health. If we feel some psychological or emotional problem, it means that we are suffering from some mental illness.

Significant disturbances in thinking, behavior, and emotions are the main symptoms of mental disorder.

Mental illness is not one type of disease. It is a group of various mental problems that affect the person's thoughts, opinions, mood, behavior, efficiency, etc.

If it is in a serious stage, it will be difficult to work with efficiency, to maintain the proper relationship and happiness. It may disturb or affect our daily routine. 

Here, we will try to understand the various types of mental issues.

Causes of Mental health issues:

In the field of mental health issues, more research is needed to find out the exact reasons for mental illnesses and their treatment. 

 However, some of the possible  reasons are mentioned below:

Biological things like genetic disorders, family history, etc.

Brain disorder.

Tragic life-threatening incidents like trauma, abuse, etc.

Heredity/family problem of mental disorder.

Environmental exposure ( stress, alcoholic effect, inflammation, etc.)  before birth.

Any other similar reasons.

Some of the mental health issues or mental illnesses:

Anxiety disorders

Behavioral and emotional disorders in children

Bipolar affective disorders

Depression  ( Depressive disorders)

Dissociation and dissociative disorders

Eating disorders


Post-traumatic stress disorders



Neurodevelopmental disorders

Now we will discuss it one by one.

Anxiety disorders:

In most cases, it is highly treatable. Proper and timely treatment is required. If it is left untreated, serious complications may arise in life.

Anxiety disorder may be classified further as below:

Generalized Anxiety Disorders (GAD):

Patient takes an unnecessary burden of worries and thinks that the situation is beyond our control. They remain terrified without need regarding the well-being of their loved ones related to finances, family, surroundings, workplace issues, etc. These types of worries are called GAD.

Symptoms:  excess fear and worries, tense muscles, restlessness, fatigue, difficulty in sleeping, etc.

Prevention & treatment:

It may be helpful to control the GAD by rest, relaxation, meditation for the mind, exercise, counseling, and planning to solve the problems without taking tension/stress.

Psychological counseling, therapies, and medication can help to control GAD.

Social Phobias or Social Anxiety Disorder:

People suffering from such types of problems feel continuous, too much, and unwanted anxiety regarding social status and other issues related to social activities.

Some people are so fearful that they avoid particular types of social activities and some other people feel extreme anxiety for specific social situations.


Excessive fear and worry in a social environment.

Prevention and treatment:

With proper preventive measures & treatment, it is possible to control social phobia. Some of the methods are listed below:

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT).

Anxiety management program.

Social skill training.


Specific phobias like Agoraphobia, Claustrophobia, etc:

Patients suffering from Agoraphobia feel that their home is the only safe place. They avoid going outside from their houses for a month or even a year. The literal meaning of Agoraphobia is fear of the marketplace.

Patients suffering from Claustrophobia feel an extreme fear of closed spaces or certain objects like lifts, airplanes, crowded places, etc.

With the help of proper and early treatment, patients may come out certainly from this type of phobia.

Panic Disorder:

Panic disorder is not the same as Agoraphobia. Symptoms of panic disorder are unexpected recurring panic attacks.  

It is estimated that around 40% of the public have panic attacks on some occasions during their life and it is quite normal. However, if these panic attacks are coming repeatedly, it means the person is suffering from Panic disorder.

Symptoms:  panic attacks

Prevention and treatment:

stay connected with family, relatives, friends, teammates, staff at workplaces, etc. Take the help of a support group and suitable medication at an early stage.       

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD):

It is an anxiety disorder.

OCD can be divided into two parts: OCD - obsession and OCD -  Compulsion.

Symptoms of OCD - obsession:

Fear of contamination from anything like germs, etc.

Fear of harm from death, illness, accidents, etc.

Unwanted, intrusive, and repeated thoughts, images, impulses of accidents, violence, sex, etc.

Unnecessary extra attention on religion, illness, morality, symmetry, perfectness, exactness, orderliness, etc.

Symptoms of OCD - compulsion:

Unwanted and repeated action is done to reduce the obsession. For example:

Repeatedly and more than required hand washing, brushing of teeth, taking bath, cleaning, Checking of locks, electrical or gas appliances, Rigid rules for placing the objects in a fixed pattern.

Compulsions are time-consuming.

Prevention and treatment:

Psychological therapy like  Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT): In this therapy, people are educated to control the symptoms of OCD and it promotes exposing the myths regarding the causes of OCD.

Anxiety management program.


Education and support group.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):

Some people feel PTSD symptoms after a major traumatic incident like a road accident, natural calamity, physical or sexual assault,  death of a close family member, etc.  They feel a threat to their life or loved ones. The number of patients is observed more in conflict zones.

Most people recover from PTSD after a few days with the support of family and friends, but few are unable to come over from PTSD, they need treatment.


Lack of sound sleep.

Repeatedly remembering the past traumatic incident and feeling the current threat.

Negative thought.

Vivid memories.

Avoid reminders.


Professional help from a Doctor, mental health care, Psychologist, Psychiatrist,  and moral support from such groups, family, relatives, and friends is needed.

Behavioral and emotional disorders in children:

Some of the children have uncommon behavior. This type of mental disorder may be divided into the following categories:

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD).

Conduct Disorder (CD).

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

With the help of therapy, education, and medication, such a type of mental disorder can be controlled.

Now, we will discuss one by one as below:

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD):

Few children have ODD due to mainly poor parenting.  It is faced by the children of the age above 3 years.


Disobeying the elder's instructions.

Unfriendly, unkind, and hostile behavior.

Similar negative behavior like blaming others, annoying, irritating, etc.


Family therapy and  Promoting education for good quality parenting are needed for parents, teachers, etc. Professional help of pediatrics, child psychologist, and child psychiatrist may be taken.

Conduct Disorder (CD):

In this type of disorder, children's behavior is observed to be aggressive and violent.

If left untreated, they may be more violent, law breakers or criminals.


Aggressive behavior towards animals and others.

Tendency to fight others with weapons.

Tendency to use drugs, tobacco, alcohol, etc.

Law-breaking behavior like vandalism, stealing, sexual abuse, etc.


Parent's or guardian's behavior is responsible for such a disorder. They are required to get professional help like psychotherapy, family therapy, parent training, etc.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Children with ADHD may have a lack of concentration (attention) or may be overactive and impulsive. They may be talkative (talking in between the discussion,, top over talking).

It is not the fault of the child or parents.  All children with such symptoms do not have ADHD. The exact reason is not known so far.


Good quality parenting, counseling, education, medication, support from family, school, teacher, carers, etc.

Bipolar affective disorder:

It is also called Manic Disorder. Such people feel extreme mood swings. A cycle of extreme high and extreme low. Sometimes they feel extremely delightful  (Mania or hypomania, hypomania is less severe than mania) and sometimes extremely sad (depression). An episode of Mania or depression may continue for a week or so and affects day-to-day life. The exact cause is not known however genetic and surrounding stress may trigger the episode of Bipolar affective disorder.

Diagnosis:  Manic episode. During the episode, the patient's mood and behavior are extremely high. For example: abnormal activity, energy, and sleep patterns.


Medication, physical examination, psychological therapy, support from family, friends, relatives, social groups, Psychiatrist consultation, Preparation of chart regarding mood  & behavior during episode period, etc.

Depression (Depressive Disorder):

Depression is a mental illness or mood disorder. It may be mild or severe. Most cases may be treated well.

If left untreated, its severity may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior.


Its symptoms vary and depend on severity. Some of the symptoms are given below:

Lowering of mood,

A feeling of Sadness, emptiness, irritation for a day or for every day or for a week.

A feeling of weakness, 

Poor concentration, guilt, low self-esteem,  hopelessness for the future.

Loss of interest, energy, pleasure and enjoyment,  sleep disorder, etc.

In severe cases, suicidal thoughts and behavior.

Prevention and Treatment:

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT):

 It will help to stop negative thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

Support from family, relatives, friends, workplace, support groups, health care providers, etc.

Counseling and consultation with Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and healthcare providers.

Eating Disorder:

Eating disorders may affect physical and mental life. Anyone irrespective of age, gender, etc. may suffer from an eating disorder. There may be several reasons for eating disorders. Some of the reasons are given below:

Social factors:

Social compulsion for Dieting to reduce body weight and to maintain perfect body size & shape.

Social pressure to get success or behave in a certain way.

Status of people to be judged by their appearance.

Change of school or employment.

Due to pregnancy or birth of a child.

Death of close relatives or loved ones.

Biological factors:

Physical changes due to adolescence.

Family history of eating disorders.

Psychological factors:

Anxiety or stress.



Problem with emotional expressions.

Self-low esteem.

Symptoms of eating disorders: 

There are various symptoms of eating disorders. Some of the symptoms are mentioned below:

Undue change or fluctuation in body weight.

A problem in concentration.

Very much sensitive to cold.

Undue interest in food cooking for others.

Showing disinterest in eating.

Regular dieting.

Possibility of premature death or suicide.


Prevention and treatment:

The people living with the patient may also become patients with an eating disorder. Therefore family, friends, colleagues, healthcare providers, etc. should take care, and isolation procedures have to be adopted.

Consultation with a doctor, dietitian, psychologist, healthcare provider, family support, and cognitive therapy is needed for proper treatment.

Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD):

In this mental disorder, the patient feels insecure and thinks that he is always under threat by others. In this mental health issue, a continuous long-term pattern of mistrust and suspicion (paranoia)  without sufficient reason is observed.


The patient may be easily offended.

He does not trust others.

Hypersensitive, can not tolerate criticism, 

Lack of forgiveness and forgetfulness.

Remains always defensive.

Other remarks are considered harmful without sufficient reasons.

Difficulty in managing relationships.

Feels that people are talking with bad intentions against him,

Always hostile and argumentative.

Prevention and Treatment:

Therapy: Techniques related to relaxation and to reduce anxiety may be applied; however treatment may be unsuccessful because the patient does not like to talk with the therapist.


Psychological support.

Hospitalization in severe cases.


People suffering from Psychosis feel delusions, hallucinations, and confusion.

They can not differentiate between real and imaginary things.


Delusions: False beliefs which can not be removed even showing proof.

Hallucinations: false perceptions of hearing, smelling, seeing, and tasting that do not exist.

Change in the behavior.

Confused thinking.


Necessary support from family, friends, relatives, and support groups. 


Psychological therapy.

Changes in the lifestyle for relaxation, sound sleep, stress relieving methods, stop using drugs, alcohol, etc.


It is a complex problem of brain disorders. The life expectancy of such patients is 10-20 years less than the common people.


Disorganized or disruptive thinking.

Thought disorder.

Distorted perception.

Social withdrawal.

Lack of motivation.

Disorganized behavior and extreme agitation.

Inappropriate response.



Important: If left untreated, high risk of suicide.


Medication, psychoeducation, psychosocial rehabilitation, and family support.

Hospitalization may be required till the symptoms are subsidized.

Neurodevelopmental disorders:

Some conditions which affect the functioning of the brain are called Neurodevelopmental disorders.


It may be a mild impairment and people can live a normal life. However, if it is severe, lifelong care is needed.  Symptoms may be ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), autism, speech disorder, learning disability, language disorder, Intellectual disability (mental retardation), conduct disorder, cerebral palsy, impairment in vision and hearing, etc.


There is no proper treatment so far. However, symptoms of children may be managed by medication, behavior therapy, Psychological counseling, speech therapy, etc.

Complications due to mental illness:

Untreated mental illness can cause serious complications related to emotion, behavior, physical health problems, etc. Some are listed below:

Low self-esteem.

Unhappiness or sadness.

Unpleasant life.

Lack of interest.

Conflicts with family and others.

Social isolation.

Missed work or school.

Employment problems.

Legal and financial difficulties.


Suicide and suicidal behavior.

A fact sheet about mental health issues in America:

Report from Access Community Health Network, Chicago

At least one out of 5 adults in the US was suffering from mental health disorder in 2021. It is equivalent to 22.8% ( 57.8 million) of US adults.

At Least one out of 20 adults in the US is suffering from a serious mental illness in 2021. It is equivalent to 5.5% (14.1 million) of US adults.

One Out of  6 adults in the US has a substance use disorder  (including alcohol use disorder).

7.6% (19.4 million) of US youth experienced a co-occurring substance use disorder and mental illness in 2021.

1 in 6 US youth (17%)  aged 6 to 17  feel a mental disorder every year.

16.5% (7.7 million) of US youth aged 6 to 17 years experienced a mental disorder in 2016.

50% of chronic mental illnesses in the US begin by the age of 14  and 75 % by age 24.

Roughly 10 million people in America are suffering from serious mental disorders.

The most common mental health issues in America are listed below:



Bipolar Disorder. 

Commonly, patients may suffer from anxiety and depression. 

Most cases may be treated well but only 37% of patients receive the treatment.

Americans aged between 15 to 44 years are mostly suffering from depression.

In America, the female population of patients suffering from depression is more than the men suffering from depression.

The age of the patient suffering from Bipolar depression in America is around 25 years, however, it can emerge at a later age also.

In the US, suicide is the second leading cause of death in the age group 10-14.     

The following mental health data (2019-2020) regarding the US is available at https://mhanational.org

21 % of American adults are experiencing mental health issues. It is more than 51% of Americans.

15% of American adults had Substance use disorder in the past year, however, 93.5% of them did not receive treatment.

4.8% of American adults experienced serious thoughts of suicide. It is more than 12 million adults.

11% of adults who identified with two or more races experienced serious thoughts of suicide.

16% of youth reported suffering from at least one major depressive episode during the past year. It means that 2.7 million youth are suffering from severe major depression.

55% of adults with a mental disorder received no treatment. It is equivalent to 28 million.

11% ( more than 5.5 million) of adults with mental disorders are not insured.

66% of adults with major depressive disorder do not receive the treatment.

In the US, there is 1 mental health provider for 350 mental health patients. It means the ratio is 1: 350

28%  of American adults who are suffering from mental disorders reported that they did not receive the needed treatment, mostly due to unaffordable costs.

23% of American adults who suffered 14 or more mentally unhealthy days each month, were unable to visit the doctor due to unaffordable costs.

In the US, 1 in 10 youth with private insurance do not have coverage for mental illness. It means more than 1.2 million youth.

Demographic facts sheet about mental illness in US adults

Non-Hispanic Asian


Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


Non-Hispanic Black or African American


Non-Hispanic Black or African American


Non-Hispanic White


Non-Hispanic mixed/multiracial


Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual:


Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native


Annual Fact sheet about different mental illnesses in US adults



Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Borderline Personality Disorder


Bipolar Disorder


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Major Depressive Episode


Anxiety Disorders


A fact sheet about the annual treatment rate  of mental illnesses in the US

2021 - US adults with mental illness



US adults with serious mental illness.



US youth aged 6-17 with mental illness.


Average delay in the treatment from the start of the symptoms of mental illness.

11 years

Demographically annual treatment rate 

Non-Hispanic Asian


Hispanic or Latino


Non-Hispanic Black or African American


Non-Hispanic White


Non-Hispanic mixed and multiracial






Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual



10.6% of US adults with mental illness have no insurance coverage.


11.9% of US adults with serious mental illness have no insurance coverage.

160 million people live in a designated health professional shortage area.

Factsheet about the suicide or suicidal attempts due to mental illness in the US: 

After reading this blog, we are aware that some of the people suffering from mental illness commit suicide or have suicidal thoughts. Suicide is not the answer to the problem. We should share our problems with our loved ones and health professionals. We can avoid such tragic attempts. Let us have a look at the data on this matter.


Suicide is the second leading cause of death among people in the age group 10 to 14 years, and it is the third leading cause of death among people in the age group 15 to 24 years.

Suicide is the 12th leading cause of death disorders overall in the US.

46% of the people who died by suicide had confirmed mental disorders.

79% of the people who died by suicide are male.

As per psychological autopsy, 90% of the people who died by suicide, had the symptoms of mental disorder according to the interviews with family, friends, and health professionals.

Annual rate of high risk for serious suicidal thoughts:

US adults annual average (2021)


Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander (2021)


Mixed/Multiracial (2021)


American Indian/Alaska Native (2021)


Young adults aged 18-25 (2021)


High school students


LGBTQ youth


Lesbian, gay, or, bisexual youth are roughly 4 times more likely to attempt suicide compared to normal people.

Transgender adults are roughly 9 times more likely to attempt suicide compared to normal people.

Who is affected indirectly by mental illness?

There are various indirect (ripple) effects due to mental illness. Due to indirect effects, first of all, the patient is suffering. Secondly, the patient's family will suffer. Thirdly, the community will suffer and overall it will affect the whole world. We will explain further here.

Fact Sheet about Indirect effect  in the US:

Indirect (ripple) effect on the patient :

A person with depressive disorder (depression) has a 40% higher risk of heart and metabolic diseases than a normal person.

A person with a serious mental disorder has roughly twice the risk for heart and other metabolic diseases. 


33.5% (19.4 million) of US adults with mental illness also suffered with a substance use disorder.

The rate of adult unemployment in the US is 4.6%. However, the rate of unemployment is higher (7.4%) for those who have mental illness.

The number of dropout students with serious depression in high school is roughly twice compared to normal students.

The number of students (aged 6 to 17) with mental illness to repeat the grade in school is roughly three times compared to normal students. 

Indirect effect on the family:

More than 8.4 million people in the US provide care to adults with mental illness.

Unpaid caregivers of adults with mental illness spend an average of 32 hours per week.

Indirect effect on the Community:

21.1% of homeless people in the US have mental health issues.

The most common cause of hospitalization ( excluding hospitalization after pregnancy and birth) among people under the age of  18 years in the US is depression.

Roughly 600,000 patients (aged 16 - 44) suffering from the Psychosis spectrum and mood disorders in the US are hospitalized each year.

19.7% (3.9 million) of US veterans suffered from a mental illness in 2020.

9.6% of Active service component members in the US military suffered from mental illness in 2021.

Serious mental illness causes a US$193.2 billion loss to the US economy each year.

Fact Sheet about the indirect effect on the world:

Depressive disorder is the leading cause of disability in the entire world.

Due to Depressive disorder and anxiety disorder, productivity loss to the global economy is roughly US$1 trillion per year.

A fact sheet about mental health issues in the world

On average, one out of 8 people in the world is suffering from a mental disorder.

Around 1000 million people in the world are suffering from mental health issues. Out of them, roughly 350 million (including 60 million children and adolescents are suffering from Anxiety disorder.

Anxiety and Depression (Depressive disorder) are the main common mental health issues in the world.

Roughly more than 300 million people and roughly 27 million children & adolescents are living with depression (depressive disorder) in the world.

Roughly more than 45 million people are living with bipolar disorder in the world.

Roughly more than 25 million people are living with Schizophrenia in the world.

Roughly more than 15 million people and 3 million children & adolescents in the world are living with Eating disorders.

Roughly more than 45 million people including children and adolescents in the world are living with Disruptive behavior and Dissocial disorders.

A roughly 25% increase in mental disorder patients is estimated in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Most people do not get access to the proper treatment. 

Roughly only  30 % of Psychosis patients and one-third of depressive disorder patients get the proper treatment.

Some of the patients face human rights violations, discrimination, and stigma.

On average one in 5 Canadians suffers from mental health disorders.

On average 50% of Canadians of the age 40 and above suffer from mental health disorders.

Prevention or  Important tips to improve mental health:

Pay attention to warning signs.

Always follow the rule - you are not alone.

Face-to-face social connection:

Get together with people who energize you.

Physical fitness: Regular physical exercise and activity are good for mental fitness.

Talk and listen: 

Share your mental health problems with others who take care of you, and also listen to their mental problems if any. Both ways, it is helpful to release the stress and calm the mood of both parties. If needed, take the help of a professional, doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, etc.

Enjoy your suitable hobby:

Everyone has a different hobby which relaxes the mind and gives pleasure. For example, singing, reading, music, cooking, playing, watching movies, sightseeing, picnics, social work, etc.  Carry out an experiment with a good hobby and repeat it if you get relaxed in your mood.

Relaxation practice: Do yoga, meditation, mindfulness, deep breathing, etc. It may give you relief from stress.

Take a brain-healthy diet:

It will boost your mental health. Some of the healthy foods for your brain are listed below:

Beans, Lentils, Legumins,  fish or other items rich in omega 3 fatty acids, nuts like peanuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews, etc., fruits like blueberries, avocados, dark leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, brussels sprouts, etc., dark chocolates, etc are beneficial for mental health. However, it is very much needed to talk with dietitians or health professionals to get customized diet plans.  

Take sound sleep:

For a healthy mind and body, sound sleep is necessary.  Keep away from screens ( TV, tablet, phone, etc.,) well before bedtime, instead listen to soothing music.

Engage yourself in useful activities: 

Take some useful task which will give you pleasure and utility both.  For example: writing, social working, social group activity, helping the poor, teaching, spirituality, gardening, cooking, etc.

Don't hesitate to take help: 

Don't be ashamed that you are a mental patient. It is just like other diseases of the body. If you need help, don't delay connecting with a healthcare provider, doctor,  Psychologist, psychiatrist, health professional, etc. It is good ( not to hesitate) to talk about your suicidal thoughts ( if any) with a doctor.

Take routine medical care.

Sometimes it happens that deficiencies of vitamins & minerals ( Vitamins B12, vitamin B6, vitamin D, Magnesium, and probiotics) may aggravate your mental health problems. So, you may consult with a health professional on these points also. Don't adopt self-medication, instead take the advice of an expert.

Lifestyle habits: 

Take good care of yourself.

Leave the unhealthy habits like excessive alcoholic drinks, not getting enough sleep, etc., and adopt healthy habits like walking, playing, meditation, etc.

Follow the acronym PLEASE adopted from DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy):

Explanation of PLEASE:

P = Physical (take care of physical health).

L = Lather (self-care balanced hygiene by showering and tooth brushing etc.)

E = Eating ( a healthy and balanced diet)

A = Avoid ( avoid mind-altering items like too much drinking of alcohol, edibles, caffeine, etc.)

S = Sleep ( take sound and sufficient sleep).

E = Exercise ( do physical activity regularly).

Final words:

More research is needed to explore the problems and their remedy.

A happy, healthy, and social life is always good for everyone.

If a person himself or their loved ones, employer,  or friends feels that someone is suffering from a mental disorder or finds abnormal behavior. It is supposed to have a consultation with doctors, specialists, psychologists, psychiatrists, healthcare providers, and support groups as suitable at the earliest.

Most people do not get the treatment of mental disorders.

Anyone can suffer from mental disorders irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, geography, income, social status, religion, etc. Illness does not discriminate.

Timely treatment may eliminate or reduce the problem.

If left untreated, the high risk may be there for complications.

A health insurance cover with full coverage of mental illness is needed urgently.

People suffering from mental disorders need social support from all around, help with education, employment, housing, general activities, etc.

Patients suffering from mental disorders should be convinced that Mental health issues are not a shameful thing, it is just like other diseases, for example, heart disease, diabetes, etc.


The best efforts are made to provide the latest and authentic information after studying the following or similar websites.  However, the author does not give any guarantee for its correctness or completeness.

This blog is not AI generated. It is manually written, therefore any typographical errors are regretted.  

This blog is for educational purposes only. And the author is not a certified advisor. Before using any information given in this blog, please consult a doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, specialist, healthcare provider, etc. 
























==The end== Ensure happy life==


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